Returns Policy

Depending on your purchased product(s), we offer a “30-Day worry-free money back guarantee” no strings attached!
We want to help support you in your journey to a happy and healthy life. That is why we stand behind the quality and purity of our products to make a positive impact.

If you are looking to return your product(s) and/or are requesting for a refund, please send our team an email at customerservice@integrativeremedy.com and we will help get the process started for you.
But first, read our FAQ below to read about our Returns Policy process and see if you are eligible to return your product!

Am I eligible to make a return for the product(s) I bought?

Are you within your “worry-free money guarantee” agreement (ie. 30-days, 60-days, or 90-days) that came with my offer?
If yes, e-mail our team at customerservice@integrativeremedy.com for a request to start the process. You should hear back from our team within 1-2 business days.

Tip. Make sure to keep your original packing slip, it will help us easily identify your order.

Do you offer exchanges?
No, we do not currently offer exchanges

How will the return/refund process be managed?

Step 1. Send us an e-mail at customerservice@integrativeremedy.com for a request to start the process. You should hear back from our team within 1-2 business days.

Step 2. We will make sure that your product(s) complies with our return/refund policies.

Step 3. If your product(s) is/are deemed returnable/refundable, we will provide further support and steps.